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Website I did as a college project

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1AB1AA4 - Website I did as a college project Empty Website I did as a college project Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:41 am



Forum Programmer
Forum Programmer

I'm open for any feed-back, I'm more of a coder than a designer but I'm working on refining this a bit more so I can add it to my portfolio.

The site is mostly responsive (The nav's responsiveness broke recently and I haven't fixed it yet.).


2AB1AA4 - Website I did as a college project Empty Re: Website I did as a college project Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:18 am




Looks like a very nice community serving website. Could be a bit more colorful to draw more attention to the active corners. As I'm like > 50% Dutch now and didn't read the full story on your website, what shocked me a bit was this part: http://prntscr.com/675jo1 . I expected links there ...

Just a suggestion ofc.



3AB1AA4 - Website I did as a college project Empty Re: Website I did as a college project Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:33 am



Forum Programmer
Forum Programmer
Thanks for the input! I tend to agree on the links, but I'm not sure where I could add more color without having running into conflicts with the existing color theme. I'm more of a coder myself. What kind of colors would you add?


4AB1AA4 - Website I did as a college project Empty Re: Website I did as a college project Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:12 pm



Well, some contrasting colors, like purple, yellow or bright blue for that matter. If you don't like them, you could maybe add moving objects to them, get them bordered with a certain color or add .GIF smileys just in front of 'm, right? Wink Anything that catches the eye without having to go through the whole page.


5AB1AA4 - Website I did as a college project Empty Re: Website I did as a college project Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:58 pm



You could add a color such as #4A5E40 #98AB90 or if you wanted links to maybe stand out you could use #AB1AA4 they are all good colors to use with your theme.


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